- Wadian plain area is located east of the Baiyangdian Lake and the surrounding low-lying areas liable to waterlogging, 7-10 m above sea level. 洼淀区位于平原东部,为白洋淀和周边低洼易涝区,海拔7至10米。
- The major hazards to water logging and its correlativity with the yield of single-season rice were analyzed in this paper. 摘要对安徽省一季稻涝灾的主要致灾因子及其与一季稻产量的关系进行了分析。
- This area is liable to flooding. 该地区易遭受水灾。
- Offenders may be liable to a heavy fine. 触犯者罚款很重。
- We're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired. 人若疲劳谁都可能出差错。
- A match can get abbandoned due to water logged pitch or power cut etc. 比赛会由于球场下雨或者停电之类的事情被取消,延迟。
- He is liable to be reached by flattery. 他容易被谄媚奉承所打动。
- Cog liable to mildew damage effect ins acidly. 货物可能会发霉,请予以投保。
- Your statement is liable to exception. 你的话会遭非议。
- A feeble attempt is liable to fail. 愚蠢的尝试多半是要失败的。
- Rubber boots are impervious to water. 橡胶鞋是防水的。
- That is the only way to water down its influence. 这是冲淡它的影响的唯一办法。
- In a depression banks are liable to fail. 在经济萧条期间,银行很可能倒闭
- Liable to occur but not with certainty; possible. 可能的可能但又有不确定性的; 可能的
- As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. 因此我们不得不给菜地浇水。
- Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution. 不缴纳税款就可能被起诉。
- The farmers drove wells to water the crops. 农民打井灌溉庄稼。
- The teacher had to water down the course for a slow-learning class. 教师不得不降低课程的要求以迁就慢班的学生。
- They are liable to knock him off if he talks. 要是他讲出来,他们很可能谋杀他。
- Some soils are affected by salinity-alkalinity: about 15% of irrigated area suffer from varying degrees of salinity and sodicity and about 10% from water logging. 一些土壤受盐碱影响:约15%25的灌溉面积有不同程度的盐化和苏打碱化,约10%25的土壤受淹水之苦。